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CFESA Refrigeration Training Registration Form

March 6 - 10, 2017 at CFESA World Headquarters & Global Training Facility

Please note the different classes to be held and the specific dates for each class. You will be responsible for your own transportation to and from the hotel and making your own hotel reservations.

Please provide the following company information:

Contact name:

Company name:



State, Zip:




CFESA Member:

Yes ($750) No ($1300)

Who will be attending the class?



Cell Phone:

Have Own
Vehicle :

Yes No

If the attendee does not use the shuttle service, they are responsible for being on time to the course each day.

Please read the following statement very carefully before submitting your registration:

As a representative of my company I understand that by completing and submitting this CFESA NO Solicitation Tolerance Policy my company and all its employees agree that NO solicitation of technicians or employees of any kind will take place before, during or after the training sessions. If this does happen all of my employees will no longer be eligible for CFESA Certification.

Enter Code then
Click Submit Form

Please click submit only ONCE

© 2015 Commercial Food Equipment Service Association۰3605 Centre Circle ۰ Fort Mill, SC 29715 ۰ Ph: 336.346.4700 ۰ Fax: 336.346.4745